The Club has been in existence for more than sixty years, as it is mentioned in the earliest available issue of the Wolverhampton Red Book (1891) when the subscription was f1 Is. Od. for each lady and gentleman. At that time the courts were in Newbridge Crescent, Wolverhampton, and the Club was known as the Newbridge Lawn Tennis Club. In the year 1913 a new ground was obtained in Albert Road,
Wolverhampton, and was opened just prior to the outbreak of the 1914-18 war.

At that time there were no hard courts, but soon after the end of the war four hard courts were laid and for this purpose a loan was raised from the members on which interest at the rate of 10 per cent per annum was paid. In the boom years following the war the whole of the loan was repaid and the cost of the hard courts written off.

The Club flourished throughout the next fifteen to twenty years, but it then became apparent that with the ever-increasing expenses and the varied sporting facilities which became available to the public owing to the great increase in motoring, it was not a practicable proposition to carry on a Club which had no winter attractions. In the late 1930’s a committee was formed to find a more extensive ground, and at the end of 1937 the present ground, Neville Lodge, Newbridge Crescent, was purchased and opened in November, 1938.

A limited company was formed to purchase the property and two squash courts were erected. In addition opportunities were made available for billiards and other games and a substantial catering department was installed. Four hard courts were laid down with the underground watering system, and seven grass courts, the site being one of the most pleasant and convenient in the district.

For many years an open Tournament has been held over the August Bank Holiday weekend, and until the early 1920’s this had been more or less confined to local or county players

An effort was then made to attract players of international repute, and since that time the Tournament has attracted many such.

To find out more call us on 01902 755265 or email us at club@wltsc.com. We look forward to hearing from you!